Hospital stay and treatment

Unique BioCell experience starts from the first contact with us, by phone, email or via website.


Making an appointment

Our call center agents will give their best to connect you with the right doctors, make an appointment that fits your schedule and suggest the best solution for you, and our doctors will answer any question or concern you may have before you decide to have an examination or treatment at BioCell Hospital.

Our goal is to offer you a complete picture before coming to BioCell Hospital  and the necessary information about the examination or procedure that you need, so that you can come to us fully prepared.

Also, we want to establish from the beginning a relationship of trust and safety with our patients.

Preparation for visit

BioCell team will send you detailed instructions on how to prepare for your appointment or intervention. This includes the preparation of medical or other documentation, clothing, personal and hygiene items. In addition, it may be necessary to refrain from taking food and water for a certain number of hours before some examinations and procedures.

Also, you will be informed in advance about how the examination or intervention is performed, about the length of your stay at BioCell Hospital, as well as the course of your recovery.

Before arriving at the hospital, the patient has an interview with the selected doctor, during which he/she will be informed in detail about procedures and methods of treatment, as well as about the recovery process. The patient will be informed about the documentation that it is necessary to have with him/her at the time of admission to the hospital and on whether he/she can or cannot consume food and liquids.

Members of the BioCell Hospital team are available to patients at all times, with members of staff present during every examination, test and preparation for interventions. During all phases of treatment at BioCell Hospital, the patient remains under the constant supervision of the medical staff.

Admission of patients

Patients are admitted every day in a week. Patients are allowed to come to the hospital accompanied by someone close to them, who can be with them as long as the medical protocol of a procedure allows it, i.e. until the intervention itself. Also, fathers are allowed to be present at their child’s delivery and stay with the mother and the child in the first hours after the birth.

Stay at BioCell Hospital

In addition to the best medical care, BioCell Hospital offers a luxuriously equipped environment and personalized care. The hospital has 20 beds arranged in suits, as well as suits with maximum privacy. Suits are single and double, air-conditioned, with private bathroom, TV set and free internet access.

The hospital has its own catering service providing meals to patients, and depending on the procedure and in consultation with the competent doctor and nutritionist, it is also possible to create a personalized menu during your hospital stay.

Hospital equipment

BioCell Hospital is the most modern equipped hospital in Serbia and the region, with its own laboratory, IVF laboratory, diagnostic center, day hospital, department of surgery, maternity ward with neonatal care unit, several operating rooms, delivery room and department of pediatrics.

As a member of biotechnology holding Vincula Biotech Group, BioCell Hospital has the most advanced medical equipment that provides patients with maximum comfort and the most accurate diagnostics. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), CT scanner, 4D ultrasound, as well as many other diagnostic examinations are available to our patients.

Follow-up examinations and recovery

For day hospital examinations and procedures that require anesthesia, a medically supervised recovery room is provided, where you can spend the time you need to fully recover and return to your daily activities.

For interventions that require a hospital stay, your doctor will give you detailed instructions for your recovery, as well as a plan for taking therapy and follow-up visits.

You can always contact your doctor and medical staff for information, advice or in an emergency.

For any additional questions, please call us directly at +381 11 6688 000