
20th World Congress on Gynecological Endocrinology

BioCell Gynecological Endocrinology Congress

Application of cell and gene therapy to improve the function of gonads

Organized by the International Society for Reproductive Endocrinology, the congress was held in Florence in mid-May, with the participation of representatives of Serbian Society of the Endocrinology of Gender, where the role of cell and gene therapy in infertility treatment was discussed.

The session was moderated by professor doctor Svetlana Vujović, and the central topic was fertility, with a focus on giving practical advice in clinical work, as well as presenting new strategies in infertility treatment. Other participants were professor Svetlana Dragojević Dikić, professor Svetlana Spremović Rađenović and professor Aleksandar Ljubic.

Infertility, i.e. impossibility of spontaneous conception, is a problem faced by a growing number of couples. One of the most common causes of infertility is ovarian dysfunction in the form of premature ovarian insufficiency, or testicular failure, manifested by the absence of sperm in the ejaculate. Techniques of assisted reproduction enabled successful treatment of infertility of other origins, but not of infertility based on inadequate function of gonads.

Regenerative medicine, which includes various cell and gene therapies, offers the possibility of overcoming this problem. Platelet-rich plasma, which is obtained from the patient’s blood, as well as stem cells isolated from bone marrow, contain a large number of growth factors and enable adequate functioning of the processes of folliculogenesis and spermatogenesis, as well as regulating sex hormone synthesis. The main advantage of applying these components is that they are obtained from the patient’s tissue, which guarantees complete safety during the application. SEGOVA is a program for ovarian rejuvenation, designed by professor doctor Ljubic and his team, and involves the application of autologous therapies with the aim of restoring the function of the gonads, and thus improving the overall health of the patient. BioCell Hospital offers consultations and services of SEGOVA program to patients whose infertility is caused by inadequate function of sex hormones.Regenerative medicine offers new insights in and improvement of existing therapies in infertility treatment and opens a new research opportunities in the field of reproductive health.

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