

At BioCell Hospital, we strive to make every visit to our facility a positive experience for the patient, and for those who need medical transportation we wish to make them as comfortable as possible, regardless of where they come from. BioCell Hospital organizes medical transportation to patients to and from the hospital within the territory of Serbia.

In order to organize medical transportation, it is necessary to contact the hospital on the phone number +381 11 66 88 000 for information on the conditions for organizing transport and scheduling an appointment within the appropriate time frame. Also, patients can find out more about this service through the contact form on our website After sending an email, the hospital staff will inform you about your transportation and accompanying ligistics.

For patients from abroad, it is possible to organize transportation from the airport to the hospital and vice versa. Inquiries can be sent via the contact form on the hospital’s website or by calling the phone number +381 11 66 88 000, where our contact center employees will give  you information about the easiest way to organize your transport or the transport of your loved one to BioCell Hospital.

In the vehicle, the patient will be accompanied by one person, as well as members of the BioCell Hospital medical team. Vehicles for medical transport are equipped according to the highest standards of emergency medicine and have the necessary medical equipment. Immediately after the arrival of the ambulance, the patient is met by the hospital’s medical team, who will take over and forward the patient to further treatment and follow-up the patient during their entire stay at BioCell Hospital. After being discharged from the hospital, BioCell Hospital staff will ensure that you arrive safely to your home.