
BioCell Hospital and Biobanka signed a cooperation agreement

BioCell i Biobanka potpisale ugovor o saradnji

Save stem cells and ensure a healthy future for your offspring

BioCell Hospital and stem cell bank Biobanka signed a cooperation agreement. Considering that BioCell Hospital also includes a maternity hospital, couples who want to save their children’s stem cells for eventual use in the future can now do so directly at the hospital, and they will be taken care of by Biobanka. Stem cell therapies represent the future of medicine, and so far they have proven to be extremely effective and guarantee 100% genetic compatibility.

Biobanka is a stem cell bank closest to Serbia – it is located in Slovenia and is part of the leading Swiss group MBSI. It has been the leader on the Slovenian market for many years. Top quality, expertise and professionalism have been Biobanka’s recommendation since day one, and many years of experience and knowledge are now available in Serbia as well.

One of many advantages of Biobanka for the parents who decide to deposit their children’s stem cells in a stem cell bank is the fact that Biobanka is very close to Serbia and the time between sample taking and storage, which is crucial for the survival and quality of stem cells, is maximally shortened.

BioCell Hospital, on the other hand, has professional medical staff who will collect the material after delivery in the safest way and hand it over to Biobanka for transport and storage.

Biobanka is fully compliant with the EU legislation that regulates this field and has a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certificate. For BioCell Hospital clients, this means complete security and traceability of the samples stored in Biobanka. Unlike storage in public banks, where donated stem cells are available for use by anyone, in a family bank such as Biobanka stem cells are stored for the exclusive use of the child and their family.Just like BioCell Hospital, Biobanka is a member of the biotechnology holding Vincula Biotech Group.

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