
Diagnostic radiology at BioCell Hospital

BioCell MSCT skener

BioCell Hospital offers various radiological examinations including magnetic resonance, multislice scanner and X-ray. Our state-of-the-art equipment enables precise and detailed diagnostics, with maximum comfort and minimal radiation doses.

When booking their examinations, patients are given detailed instructions on how to prepare for the examination, as well as the information about the examination itself. In most cases, the results will be readily available. Top specialists perform all radiological examinations using the most modern equipment.

State-of-the-art technology

BioCell Hospital is equipped with a state-of-the-art devices, such as the Canon Aquilion SP CT scanner. This device provides unequaled imaging and diagnostic accuracy, with minimal radiation and maximum comfort of the patient.

BioCell Hospital is one of the first health institution in Serbia to have the state-of-the-art  Siemens Magnetom Altea magnetic resonance scanner in its diagnostic center.

In addition, BioCell Hospital is also equipped with an X-ray machine, which can be used to scan all body regions: head, heart, lungs, spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral), joints (hip, shoulder, knee…), abdomen, hemithorax, urinary tract and other.

The complete list of radiological services can be found on this link.

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